Sunday, August 31, 2008

Week 9, Thing #23: The Liberated Library Media Tech!

As a masters of library and information science student, the CSLA School Library Learning 2.0 program was an easy and fun way to get acquainted with web 2.0 tools and concepts. I especially appreciated the comments and words of encouragement that I received from my district librarian and CSLA School Library Learning 2.0 team that were posted on my blog. Knowing that my efforts to learn were being acknowledged inspired me to complete all the exercises in this program before the deadline of September 1st! Receiving these comments and reading the thoughts of school librarians' in their blogs or on the wiki really made me feel like I was participating in this wonderful learning community that will support me in my future educational endeavors.

My favorite exercises were many and they include playing with the image generators, subscribing to blogs via RSS, discovering Pandora and (these are the websites I use everyday!), learning about wikis and how to apply them in libraries and classrooms, and recording all my thoughts into this blog. This my first time blogging professionally, and I plan to continue posting in this blog.

One important take-a-way I culled from the program is the power of collaboration and how instrumental it is to the learning process. Before I completely understood wikis, I castigated Wikipedia as a reliable source of information. After this program, however, I have an understanding of its origins and its aim that makes me look at it more positively. I was also surprised with the number of online tools that would be beneficial to libraries and classrooms. I want to know how to choose which web 2.0 tools are useful and applicable to my school and library.

My learning experience was LIBERATING. It gave me the confidence to break my chains of self-doubt in my ability to utilize web technology in the classroom and in libraries.

Thank you CSLA School Library Learning 2.0 team!


Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully completed SLL2.0 and are now an official member of the CSLA 2.0 Team. Your blog has been moved to the "Congratulations! 2.0 Team" list. Whoopee! Good to have you on board. CSLA will be sending you a certificate of completion.

Best wishes.
- Jackie Siminitus
CSLA 2.0 Team project manager

Libladylib said...

Now, you are a star!
Congratulations. I'm sure you will begin using some of these applications right away and still discover new ones. Give a try.

IrmaPince said...

Congratulations on completing the tutorial. Now you are poised to lead your colleagues on a 2.0 adventure. Go for it!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on completing the 2.0 tutorial! Now you are ready to pick several to try in the library and classroom! Be sure to engage your classroom colleagues in your 2.0 adventures because they too will want to have fun.
It truly is liberating to know that now you can noodle around the web and discover the new tools and not feel intimidated.
Contratualtions again, enjoy!

Becca said...

Better late than never, at least I hope that's how you can categorize my belated virtual congratulations! I'm glad you're applying some of your new-found tools to your library work with our middle school students!