Thursday, December 20, 2007

Week 1, Thing #2: my learning habits

After watching the 7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners tutorial I identified which habit was the easiest, and which one was the hardest for me.

The most easiest habit is the one that is most fun (obviously), which is habit #7 1/2, to play! The slide for habit #7 1/2 encouraged us to "Play, be curious, and read!" I emphasized read because I love reading, which is no wonder why it is a habit I already possess.

The hardest habit for me is habit #3, to "view problems as challenges." I have heard this statement in the form of advice, but I realize that it sounds much more powerful when framed as a habit. When faced with a problem, especially one that is difficult to quickly solve, my gut-reaction is to hesitate. After the initial second of hesitation, however, I am ready to begin problem-solving. I would, however, be a much more effective problem-solver if I could eliminate this moment of hesitation. Developing habit #3 would be empowering because I would even welcome difficult problems because I viewed them as opportunities to learn. Habit #3 is hard for me because of my tendency to avoid situations of potential failure. Despite this, I am confident and excited about developing these habits that I know will aid me in my personal and professional life.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Playing is good! Reading is good!
And, a bit of hesitation upon encountering a problem is good, too. I think it's the body's natural reaction to give us an extra moment to think about a response. But I know what you mean about wanting to develop your ability to "view problems as challenges". I liked having these 7 1/2 habits laid out as the base upon which to support my exploration of web 2.0 tools.